A leading bank in Malawi partners with Profinch for a unified FCUBS + OBDX implementation
Data Transformation
The clients are amongst some of the premium banking institutions in Libya.

Challenge on Hand
With Libya facing a civil war situation, there was nearly no scope of implementation of the projects, onsite. Profinch came up with a unique solution of implementing the project from its neighbouring country Tunisia and a local office was setup there for all three implementations. The clients either visited frequently for short/long terms for different phases or were stationed permanently until the completion of the project.
Project Scope
The scope of the project was finalised as below:
- Go Live and Post Go Live Support and handover
- Implementation of OBDX 19.x with FCUBS 14.x
- Customization of OBDX to support both conventional and Islamic banking services
- Training workshops and enablement of bank’s online banking services and IT staff for handling and know-how of internet banking through OBDX
- Integration with the country’s domestic instant payments network which uses SWIFT messages
- User Acceptance Testing / Quality Assurance
The implementations are ongoing, as on date. Following are the key highlights:
- One of the banks have gone live with staff and its branches are now operational with FCUBS 14.x as its core banking system. Bank is soon going to finish its pilot testing (sanity testing) and will go live with public soon with both individual and corporate banking services
- With the current civil war scenario in Libya, a leap in the customer bases is expected for these banks, once customers are able to access the services of the bank online via OBDX
- Meticulous integration of OBDX with the banks’ core banking system FCUBS
- Customized End-to-end Customer Onboarding
- With implementation of mobile apps, a higher volume of transactions and customer base is projected, since public commute to bank branches in Libya is a different ballgame altogether
Digital Banking implementation for these banks is an ongoing challenging task because of Libya’s political situation and the business principles and ethics in Africa’s Arab world. These banks are expecting to disrupt the banking industry in Libya by providing as much online services as possible to the people of the country and their confidence in partnering with Profinch for all integrations and implementation has helped them reposition themselves in the market.